Want some news you can use? Browse ’Berta’s quotes, insights and features around the world wide web-o-sphere.
’Berta’s Appearances!
Assess, Design, Implement: How Websites Should Reflect Brand
’Berta recently spoke at the Atarim Web Conference about how to build a website that reflects the client’s brand. A website doesn’t just convey information, it needs to stand out. In this talk, ’Berta breaks down how a strong brand can be used as a differentiator in a sea of sameness.
Had a blast on the Put It Together show with Daniel G. Garza! You guys gotta check out the recoding on YouTube and hit that subscribe button! Great stuff!
’Berta also thoroughly enjoyed lending her voice and expertise to a BD Online conversation about Humanizing Typography as it relates to brand.
’Berta’s Insights on Branding and Graphic Design
’Berta’s Tips on Freelancing
Recognition of ’Berta
Check out this book review for a recent anthology featuring 56 poets from all 50 states and the US territories and commonwealths. ’Berta did the design for both the book and traveling art exhibition. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/dana-teen-lomax/the-beautiful-poets-reimagine-a-nation/
Social Media Mentions
’Berta’s Projects
Check out this mural project for Highland Hospital that ’Berta helped design and produce. Many, many hours of Photoshop…
Highland Hospital Interior Wall Murals